Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gameday of a "Wide Reciever"

                Game day of a wide receiver will let me know if my guys are ready to play. Some of the rules I emphasize my receiver group is to be sharp, be on time for pre-game receiver & team meetings, and when you are in those meetings  be mentally locked in. If you have questions asked them now, and not later in the game. This is the time for my guys to ask questions if you aren’t positively right. I rather you asked these things now, instead of making a mental error in the game that will cost our football team.
Before the game I have conversations with my receivers asking them, how was school today? What classes you have today? What you have for lunch today? During this conversation I am waiting to hear my players say, “Coach I wasn’t focused in school today”. Why not? “Coach, I was thinking about the game today”! I say, ok so tell me what you were thinking about? Coach, “I was thinking about making big plays today”. I replied, “no worries just stay disciplined and do what you been taught”.  Hey, “next game when you in class just try to stay focus, so you want get behind in school”.  “Ok”, Coach.

I love the answer my player gave me about thinking about the game and making big plays. When I asked him tell me what you were thinking about. I want my players to say, “Coach when they play man to man (Cover 1) #22 the field cornerback plays it like cover 3 and he drops back deep, so when I run our quick passing game, such as hitches, slants, stop routes, and quick outs, I can turn those short routes into big gains. So, coach if everything goes right I can have a big game today. That’s THE ANSWER I AM LOOKING FOR! Why, because I know this kid is watching film, he is studying the opponent, he understands their coverage’s, and he understand there weakness in personnel. Most importantly, he is listening to everything I tell him. Because studying opponent’s team, watching film, coverage’s, and understanding there personnel are something we do as a team.

                WR Secrets, is taking off and digging deeper into the minds of football players and will develop them into student’s of the game.  Being a student of the game, it will make your job, so much easier on Friday nights.  Why do you guys think Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are great?  For example, if Mann inning is playing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in week 15 he will watch the previous 14 games they played against opponents and watch each play until he understands what they are doing on defense. Last question, how bad do you want it?

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