Monday, January 27, 2014

"Wr Secrets", 1st Day "Jitters"

I would like to applaud the parents and the student-athletes for attending “WR Secrets”, due to the weather. We had a total of sixteen student-athletes that participated today. That showed me that these players are determined to get better, “so Coach Brewster you better get ready”. What I enjoyed most of the day was guys were playing hard and competing. The comparison was similar to trying out for High School basketball team, guys where auditioning and giving their best.

You’re always going to have first day jitters as a player and a coach. My jitters were more of how many guys will attend due to the weather? Also, I was filled with so much anticipation and excitement to start “WR secrets”. When we first started I can tell some of the players had “jitters”. Why? Some of the jitters come because of the other athletes. As an athlete you work to be the best, but there is always someone better than you in a certain area. For instance, as a wide receiver I needed to improve my speed and route running. As a college sophomore at King and Mulick Park I spent hours working on my route running and ran several hills to improve on my explosiveness and speed.  Does it make any sense to work on your strong areas? It’s a must that you are your own “BIGGEST” critic, because if you’re not somebody else will and that my lead you to fall mentally. So, be true yourself and improve on your weak areas.

Day 1 is over now. Ask yourself these things. What are the things you need to improve on? Have you guys taken a look at Sam Harrison, Brandon Jackson, and Austin Gordon? Have you compared and contrast yourself against these guys? Have any of you asked these guys what does it take to get to the Next Level? Have you guys reached out to me, on what does it take to get to the Next Level? Student-Athletes it’s time to get out of your comfort zone, and soak up all the information you possibly can. We play to be GREAT!

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