Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What drives you to be GREAT?

   The third day, we divided the athletes into two groups. Group one was the inexperience WR’s (9th-10th) and group two was the experienced WRs. I coached Group 1, with these guys we learned how to breakdown routes. We spent 30 minutes. I was telling my guys this is the toughest part of playing WR being able to breakdown routes, such as curl and comeback route. I told the guys it took me my senior year in college to run this route correctly. So, guys don't get discourage it's a process.

  Group two was working on the same drills, but they were working on a faster pace. Every, so often I can see my players glance over there looking like this will be me someday. I know that feeling as well, when I was a red-shirt freshman at Ferris State University the year before we had the all time leading receiver Clarence Coleman who surpass Jerry Rice college career receiving records. Clarence was the best football player I seen in college. The things he did after he caught the football, he made guys look foolish. It was like the game was easy for him, and it looked effortless. I enjoyed watching him play every Saturday as true freshmen. During that summer he went on to play for the Buffalo Bills. I studied every film that Clarence Coleman played at Ferris State University.  The reason was I wanted to be one of the best, even though I always played quarterback prior college. In order to be one of the best you have to study the best. Also, you have to know everything about the individual. I knew Clarence was from Hollywood, FL, he went to Miramar H.S, we both had division 1 offers, and most importantly he played with a chip on his shoulder. Northwood University had their chances to offer Clarence Coleman, but they said he was to slow. Wow! Don’t they regret that, he became one of the best wide receivers in division II football.

   To be great you have to have something motivating you constantly. For example, Michael Irvin Hall of Fame wide receiver grew up with seventeen siblings and eating corn flakes with water for breakfast. Also, his dad died when he was in high school. That is enough motivation to be great. Jerry Rice who is the greatest wide receiver of all time came from a small college called Mississippi Valley University. Don’t you think he got tired of hearing about his slow 40 time which he ran 4.74 and he went to small school and he couldn’t compete against the other athletes from bigger schools? Jerry Rice said, he didn’t take a vacation for the first ten years of his career because he feared that someone was going to take his position. This is Jerry Rice arguably the greatest to ever play the game. What fuel me to become an All-American in only three years of playing the WR position, was my competitive nature, people doubted me and I had a love and passion for the game. What drives you? Why play the game to only be mediocre? In order to be great something has to be burning inside you.

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