Thursday, February 27, 2014

Competitive Greatness

Week 5 of “Wr Secrets”, was great day of fundamentals and technique. I had two new players joined and I also had new coach as well. We worked on ball drills, WR releases, and WR breakdowns.  What impressed me most are kids willing to work hard and be competitive non-stop. That is something that all coaches enjoy when kids are willing to work hard and compete at a high level.

My wife is photographer, so I have her take pictures of the clinic. She does a great job taking pictures of the clinic. When I am coaching my players I don’t even notice that the outside world is there, I am so focus (locked in is a football term that coaches use) with my players.  When the clock hits 7:30pm, a light switch goes off and as group we all pray together. After that “WR Secrets” has begun. As a player you have to have a light switch that goes off, and when that light switch turns on, that means you are locked in and ready to go. When you are locked in, anything outside the football field is irrelevant. Such as fans, parents, student section, cheerleaders, opponent fans, opponent sidelines, and the opposing players. You have to become locked in and ready to go. That means, you must know your opponent strengths and weaknesses, your assignment, and have short term memory (If you make a mistake during the game you must forget about it immediately, if not it will ruin your day). If you have all these things you will be prepared, and preparation=confidence.

Being locked in doesn’t happened on the day of the game. You have to be locked in the whole football season, if not you will lose trust of your teammates.  You must be tunnel vision on the success of your football season. The only thing that should be in your tunnel in this order is God, Family, Academics, and Football.  Anything else will be hard to balance. Young fellas, let’s show Competitive Greatness in all the things we do.  Being competitive great is learning to rise to every occasion and to push yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to reach your God-given potential.

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