Monday, February 3, 2014

"Me versus You". Why, I will Win!

The second day of WR "Secrets", I felt the guys improved from week one. What helped out tremendously is we had Richard Gills that will now be a coach. Richard Gills was my wide receiver at Creston High School, he received all state honors as a senior. He had several scholarship offers, but decided to attend Northwood University.  After college he spent several years playing Indoor Football League (IFL) for the Muskegon Thunder. Now he is wide receiver coach, he's been coaching the position for 7 years now.

              The second day we spent more time on technique then catching and running routes. For example, we spent time working on releases versus man to man press technique. This teaches wide receivers to become physical, a competitive edge, aggressive, elusive, and eventually we will produce a "Killer Instinct".

             Let's talk about press coverage. Press coverage is a "Me" versus "You" attitude. It's one on one. For example, picture two people being in a small boxing ring, face to face. Whoever reacts first and use proper technique will win. I teach my players to take press coverage personal, both player and coach is saying you will lose at the line of scrimmage. As a player you should be, so excited when you see a corner back playing you press coverage. Why? Because I teach the proper techniques to beat press coverage and if you apply it, you will a big play. As a player and a coach I go insane when I see the opponent playing man press on my guys. We must envision its one to one street fight, again "Me" versus "You", Who will Win? When the time comes my guys will be ready to fight!

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